Specialist Disability Accommodation

SDA refers to a spectrum of housing options created for people with severe functional impairments or high assistance needs. Accessible elements in SDA homes enable people to live more independently with the quality and safety. Specialist disability accommodation is a NDIS initiative where participants live in a purpose-built home. Funding allowed for people who has higher functional impairment who needs more level of support. Funding for SDA will be included in participants' NDIS plan however this funding is only allocated towards the cost of the modified home the person lives. Other costs such as rent, or other supports are not included. Meanwhile, the participants may be able to get other funding through NDIS such as SIL for their daily support needs.

There are four types of homes available with SDA funding, depending on your needs,

  • Improved liveability-homes with reasonable level of accessibility
  • Fully accessible – This type of home is for participants who present with physical challenges and need supports such as wheelchair accessibility.
  • Robust-this is where extra durable housing built, which will support people with challenging behaviours to minimise any impact on themselves or carers.
  • High physical support-this type of homes is made to use for those who require very high care needs such as use of hoist, other communication technologies etc.

At United care Australia we can assist you to find the suitable SDA home considering your needs and provide care for you in your new home.

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